API Docs for: 1.0.0

File: src\fork\box2d\collision\b2BroadPhase.js

* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Erin Catto http:
* This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
* warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
* arising from the use of this software.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
* including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
* freely, subject to the following restrictions:
* 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
* claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
* in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
* appreciated but is not required.
* 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked, and must not be
* misrepresented the original software.
* 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

 * This broad phase uses the Sweep and Prune algorithm in:
 * Collision Detection in Interactive 3D Environments by Gino van den Bergen
 * Also, some ideas, such integral values for fast compares comes from
 * Bullet (http:/www.bulletphysics.com).
 * Notes:
 * - we use bound arrays instead of linked lists for cache coherence.
 * - we use quantized integral values for fast compares.
 * - we use short indices rather than pointers to save memory.
 * - we use a stabbing count for fast overlap queries (less than order N).
 * - we also use a time stamp on each proxy to speed up the registration of
 *   overlap query results.
 * - where possible, we compare bound indices instead of values to reduce
 *   cache misses (TODO_ERIN).
 * - no broadphase is perfect and neither is this one: it is not great for huge
 *   worlds (use a multi-SAP instead), it is not great for large objects.
 * @class b2Bound
 * @constructor
var b2BroadPhase = function (worldAABB, callback) {
    // initialize instance variables for references
	this.m_pairManager = new b2PairManager();
	this.m_proxyPool = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPairs);
	this.m_bounds = new Array(2*b2Settings.b2_maxProxies);
	this.m_queryResults = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxProxies);
	this.m_quantizationFactor = new b2Vec2();

	var i = 0;

	this.m_pairManager.Initialize(this, callback);

	this.m_worldAABB = worldAABB;

	this.m_proxyCount = 0;

	// query results
	for (i = 0; i < b2Settings.b2_maxProxies; i++){
		this.m_queryResults[i] = 0;

	// bounds array
	this.m_bounds = new Array(2);
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++){
		this.m_bounds[i] = new Array(2*b2Settings.b2_maxProxies);
		for (var j = 0; j < 2*b2Settings.b2_maxProxies; j++){
			this.m_bounds[i][j] = new b2Bound();

	//var d = b2Math.SubtractVV(worldAABB.maxVertex, worldAABB.minVertex);
	var dX = worldAABB.maxVertex.x;
	var dY = worldAABB.maxVertex.y;
	dX -= worldAABB.minVertex.x;
	dY -= worldAABB.minVertex.y;

	this.m_quantizationFactor.x = b2Settings.USHRT_MAX / dX;
	this.m_quantizationFactor.y = b2Settings.USHRT_MAX / dY;

	var tProxy;
	for (i = 0; i < b2Settings.b2_maxProxies - 1; ++i)
		tProxy = new b2Proxy();
		this.m_proxyPool[i] = tProxy;
		tProxy.SetNext(i + 1);
		tProxy.timeStamp = 0;
		tProxy.overlapCount = b2BroadPhase.b2_invalid;
		tProxy.userData = null;
	tProxy = new b2Proxy();
	this.m_proxyPool[b2Settings.b2_maxProxies-1] = tProxy;
	tProxy.timeStamp = 0;
	tProxy.overlapCount = b2BroadPhase.b2_invalid;
	tProxy.userData = null;
	this.m_freeProxy = 0;

	this.m_timeStamp = 1;
	this.m_queryResultCount = 0;
b2BroadPhase.prototype = 

	// Use this to see if your proxy is in range. If it is not in range,
	// it should be destroyed. Otherwise you may get O(m^2) pairs, where m
	// is the number of proxies that are out of range.
	InRange: function(aabb){
		//var d = b2Math.b2MaxV(b2Math.SubtractVV(aabb.minVertex, this.m_worldAABB.maxVertex), b2Math.SubtractVV(this.m_worldAABB.minVertex, aabb.maxVertex));
		var dX;
		var dY;
		var d2X;
		var d2Y;

		dX = aabb.minVertex.x;
		dY = aabb.minVertex.y;
		dX -= this.m_worldAABB.maxVertex.x;
		dY -= this.m_worldAABB.maxVertex.y;

		d2X = this.m_worldAABB.minVertex.x;
		d2Y = this.m_worldAABB.minVertex.y;
		d2X -= aabb.maxVertex.x;
		d2Y -= aabb.maxVertex.y;

		dX = b2Math.b2Max(dX, d2X);
		dY = b2Math.b2Max(dY, d2Y);

		return b2Math.b2Max(dX, dY) < 0.0;

	// Get a single proxy. Returns NULL if the id is invalid.
	GetProxy: function(proxyId){
		if (proxyId == b2Pair.b2_nullProxy || this.m_proxyPool[proxyId].IsValid() == false)
			return null;

		return this.m_proxyPool[ proxyId ];

	// Create and destroy proxies. These call Flush first.
	CreateProxy: function(aabb, userData){
		var index = 0;
		var proxy;

		//b2Settings.b2Assert(this.m_proxyCount < b2_maxProxies);
		//b2Settings.b2Assert(this.m_freeProxy != b2Pair.b2_nullProxy);

		var proxyId = this.m_freeProxy;
		proxy = this.m_proxyPool[ proxyId ];
		this.m_freeProxy = proxy.GetNext();

		proxy.overlapCount = 0;
		proxy.userData = userData;

		var boundCount = 2 * this.m_proxyCount;

		var lowerValues = new Array();
		var upperValues = new Array();
		this.ComputeBounds(lowerValues, upperValues, aabb);

		for (var axis = 0; axis < 2; ++axis)
			var bounds = this.m_bounds[axis];
			var lowerIndex = 0;
			var upperIndex = 0;
			var lowerIndexOut = [lowerIndex];
			var upperIndexOut = [upperIndex];
			this.Query(lowerIndexOut, upperIndexOut, lowerValues[axis], upperValues[axis], bounds, boundCount, axis);
			lowerIndex = lowerIndexOut[0];
			upperIndex = upperIndexOut[0];

			// Replace memmove calls
			//memmove(bounds + upperIndex + 2, bounds + upperIndex, (edgeCount - upperIndex) * sizeof(b2Bound));
			var tArr = new Array();
			var j = 0;
			var tEnd = boundCount - upperIndex
			var tBound1;
			var tBound2;
			// make temp array
			for (j = 0; j < tEnd; j++){
				tArr[j] = new b2Bound();
				tBound1 = tArr[j];
				tBound2 = bounds[upperIndex+j];
				tBound1.value = tBound2.value;
				tBound1.proxyId = tBound2.proxyId;
				tBound1.stabbingCount = tBound2.stabbingCount;
			// move temp array back in to bounds
			tEnd = tArr.length;
			var tIndex = upperIndex+2;
			for (j = 0; j < tEnd; j++){
				//bounds[tIndex+j] = tArr[j];
				tBound2 = tArr[j];
				tBound1 = bounds[tIndex+j]
				tBound1.value = tBound2.value;
				tBound1.proxyId = tBound2.proxyId;
				tBound1.stabbingCount = tBound2.stabbingCount;
			//memmove(bounds + lowerIndex + 1, bounds + lowerIndex, (upperIndex - lowerIndex) * sizeof(b2Bound));
			// make temp array
			tArr = new Array();
			tEnd = upperIndex - lowerIndex;
			for (j = 0; j < tEnd; j++){
				tArr[j] = new b2Bound();
				tBound1 = tArr[j];
				tBound2 = bounds[lowerIndex+j];
				tBound1.value = tBound2.value;
				tBound1.proxyId = tBound2.proxyId;
				tBound1.stabbingCount = tBound2.stabbingCount;
			// move temp array back in to bounds
			tEnd = tArr.length;
			tIndex = lowerIndex+1;
			for (j = 0; j < tEnd; j++){
				//bounds[tIndex+j] = tArr[j];
				tBound2 = tArr[j];
				tBound1 = bounds[tIndex+j]
				tBound1.value = tBound2.value;
				tBound1.proxyId = tBound2.proxyId;
				tBound1.stabbingCount = tBound2.stabbingCount;

			// The upper index has increased because of the lower bound insertion.

			// Copy in the new bounds.
			bounds[lowerIndex].value = lowerValues[axis];
			bounds[lowerIndex].proxyId = proxyId;
			bounds[upperIndex].value = upperValues[axis];
			bounds[upperIndex].proxyId = proxyId;

			bounds[lowerIndex].stabbingCount = lowerIndex == 0 ? 0 : bounds[lowerIndex-1].stabbingCount;
			bounds[upperIndex].stabbingCount = bounds[upperIndex-1].stabbingCount;

			// Adjust the stabbing count between the new bounds.
			for (index = lowerIndex; index < upperIndex; ++index)

			// Adjust the all the affected bound indices.
			for (index = lowerIndex; index < boundCount + 2; ++index)
				var proxy2 = this.m_proxyPool[ bounds[index].proxyId ];
				if (bounds[index].IsLower())
					proxy2.lowerBounds[axis] = index;
					proxy2.upperBounds[axis] = index;


		//b2Settings.b2Assert(this.m_queryResultCount < b2Settings.b2_maxProxies);

		for (var i = 0; i < this.m_queryResultCount; ++i)
			//b2Settings.b2Assert(this.m_queryResults[i] < b2_maxProxies);

			this.m_pairManager.AddBufferedPair(proxyId, this.m_queryResults[i]);


		// Prepare for next query.
		this.m_queryResultCount = 0;

		return proxyId;

	DestroyProxy: function(proxyId){

		//b2Settings.b2Assert(0 < this.m_proxyCount && this.m_proxyCount <= b2_maxProxies);

		var proxy = this.m_proxyPool[ proxyId ];

		var boundCount = 2 * this.m_proxyCount;

		for (var axis = 0; axis < 2; ++axis)
			var bounds = this.m_bounds[axis];

			var lowerIndex = proxy.lowerBounds[axis];
			var upperIndex = proxy.upperBounds[axis];
			var lowerValue = bounds[lowerIndex].value;
			var upperValue = bounds[upperIndex].value;

			// replace memmove calls
			//memmove(bounds + lowerIndex, bounds + lowerIndex + 1, (upperIndex - lowerIndex - 1) * sizeof(b2Bound));
			var tArr = new Array();
			var j = 0;
			var tEnd = upperIndex - lowerIndex - 1;
			var tBound1;
			var tBound2;
			// make temp array
			for (j = 0; j < tEnd; j++){
				tArr[j] = new b2Bound();
				tBound1 = tArr[j];
				tBound2 = bounds[lowerIndex+1+j];
				tBound1.value = tBound2.value;
				tBound1.proxyId = tBound2.proxyId;
				tBound1.stabbingCount = tBound2.stabbingCount;
			// move temp array back in to bounds
			tEnd = tArr.length;
			var tIndex = lowerIndex;
			for (j = 0; j < tEnd; j++){
				//bounds[tIndex+j] = tArr[j];
				tBound2 = tArr[j];
				tBound1 = bounds[tIndex+j]
				tBound1.value = tBound2.value;
				tBound1.proxyId = tBound2.proxyId;
				tBound1.stabbingCount = tBound2.stabbingCount;
			//memmove(bounds + upperIndex-1, bounds + upperIndex + 1, (edgeCount - upperIndex - 1) * sizeof(b2Bound));
			// make temp array
			tArr = new Array();
			tEnd = boundCount - upperIndex - 1;
			for (j = 0; j < tEnd; j++){
				tArr[j] = new b2Bound();
				tBound1 = tArr[j];
				tBound2 = bounds[upperIndex+1+j];
				tBound1.value = tBound2.value;
				tBound1.proxyId = tBound2.proxyId;
				tBound1.stabbingCount = tBound2.stabbingCount;
			// move temp array back in to bounds
			tEnd = tArr.length;
			tIndex = upperIndex-1;
			for (j = 0; j < tEnd; j++){
				//bounds[tIndex+j] = tArr[j];
				tBound2 = tArr[j];
				tBound1 = bounds[tIndex+j]
				tBound1.value = tBound2.value;
				tBound1.proxyId = tBound2.proxyId;
				tBound1.stabbingCount = tBound2.stabbingCount;

			// Fix bound indices.
			tEnd = boundCount - 2;
			for (var index = lowerIndex; index < tEnd; ++index)
				var proxy2 = this.m_proxyPool[ bounds[index].proxyId ];
				if (bounds[index].IsLower())
					proxy2.lowerBounds[axis] = index;
					proxy2.upperBounds[axis] = index;

			// Fix stabbing count.
			tEnd = upperIndex - 1;
			for (var index2 = lowerIndex; index2 < tEnd; ++index2)

			// this.Query for pairs to be removed. lowerIndex and upperIndex are not needed.
			// make lowerIndex and upper output using an array and do this for others if compiler doesn't pick them up
			this.Query([0], [0], lowerValue, upperValue, bounds, boundCount - 2, axis);

		//b2Settings.b2Assert(this.m_queryResultCount < b2Settings.b2_maxProxies);

		for (var i = 0; i < this.m_queryResultCount; ++i)

			this.m_pairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(proxyId, this.m_queryResults[i]);


		// Prepare for next query.
		this.m_queryResultCount = 0;

		// Return the proxy to the pool.
		proxy.userData = null;
		proxy.overlapCount = b2BroadPhase.b2_invalid;
		proxy.lowerBounds[0] = b2BroadPhase.b2_invalid;
		proxy.lowerBounds[1] = b2BroadPhase.b2_invalid;
		proxy.upperBounds[0] = b2BroadPhase.b2_invalid;
		proxy.upperBounds[1] = b2BroadPhase.b2_invalid;

		this.m_freeProxy = proxyId;

	// Call this.MoveProxy times like, then when you are done
	// call this.Commit to finalized the proxy pairs (for your time step).
	MoveProxy: function(proxyId, aabb){
		var axis = 0;
		var index = 0;
		var bound;
		var prevBound
		var nextBound
		var nextProxyId = 0;
		var nextProxy;

		if (proxyId == b2Pair.b2_nullProxy || b2Settings.b2_maxProxies <= proxyId)

		if (aabb.IsValid() == false)

		var boundCount = 2 * this.m_proxyCount;

		var proxy = this.m_proxyPool[ proxyId ];
		// Get new bound values
		var newValues = new b2BoundValues();
		this.ComputeBounds(newValues.lowerValues, newValues.upperValues, aabb);

		// Get old bound values
		var oldValues = new b2BoundValues();
		for (axis = 0; axis < 2; ++axis)
			oldValues.lowerValues[axis] = this.m_bounds[axis][proxy.lowerBounds[axis]].value;
			oldValues.upperValues[axis] = this.m_bounds[axis][proxy.upperBounds[axis]].value;

		for (axis = 0; axis < 2; ++axis)
			var bounds = this.m_bounds[axis];

			var lowerIndex = proxy.lowerBounds[axis];
			var upperIndex = proxy.upperBounds[axis];

			var lowerValue = newValues.lowerValues[axis];
			var upperValue = newValues.upperValues[axis];

			var deltaLower = lowerValue - bounds[lowerIndex].value;
			var deltaUpper = upperValue - bounds[upperIndex].value;

			bounds[lowerIndex].value = lowerValue;
			bounds[upperIndex].value = upperValue;

			// Expanding adds overlaps

			// Should we move the lower bound down?
			if (deltaLower < 0)
				index = lowerIndex;
				while (index > 0 && lowerValue < bounds[index-1].value)
					bound = bounds[index];
					prevBound = bounds[index - 1];

					var prevProxyId = prevBound.proxyId;
					var prevProxy = this.m_proxyPool[ prevBound.proxyId ];


					if (prevBound.IsUpper() == true)
						if (this.TestOverlap(newValues, prevProxy))
							this.m_pairManager.AddBufferedPair(proxyId, prevProxyId);



					// swap
					//var temp = bound;
					//bound = prevEdge;
					//prevEdge = temp;
					//b2Math.b2Swap(bound, prevEdge);

			// Should we move the upper bound up?
			if (deltaUpper > 0)
				index = upperIndex;
				while (index < boundCount-1 && bounds[index+1].value <= upperValue)
					bound = bounds[ index ];
					nextBound = bounds[ index + 1 ];
					nextProxyId = nextBound.proxyId;
					nextProxy = this.m_proxyPool[ nextProxyId ];


					if (nextBound.IsLower() == true)
						if (this.TestOverlap(newValues, nextProxy))
							this.m_pairManager.AddBufferedPair(proxyId, nextProxyId);


					// swap
					//var temp = bound;
					//bound = nextEdge;
					//nextEdge = temp;
					//b2Math.b2Swap(bound, nextEdge);

			// Shrinking removes overlaps

			// Should we move the lower bound up?
			if (deltaLower > 0)
				index = lowerIndex;
				while (index < boundCount-1 && bounds[index+1].value <= lowerValue)
					bound = bounds[ index ];
					nextBound = bounds[ index + 1 ];

					nextProxyId = nextBound.proxyId;
					nextProxy = this.m_proxyPool[ nextProxyId ];


					if (nextBound.IsUpper())
						if (this.TestOverlap(oldValues, nextProxy))
							this.m_pairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(proxyId, nextProxyId);


					// swap
					//var temp = bound;
					//bound = nextEdge;
					//nextEdge = temp;
					//b2Math.b2Swap(bound, nextEdge);

			// Should we move the upper bound down?
			if (deltaUpper < 0)
				index = upperIndex;
				while (index > 0 && upperValue < bounds[index-1].value)
					bound = bounds[index];
					prevBound = bounds[index - 1];

					prevProxyId = prevBound.proxyId;
					prevProxy = this.m_proxyPool[ prevProxyId ];


					if (prevBound.IsLower() == true)
						if (this.TestOverlap(oldValues, prevProxy))
							this.m_pairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(proxyId, prevProxyId);


					// swap
					//var temp = bound;
					//bound = prevEdge;
					//prevEdge = temp;
					//b2Math.b2Swap(bound, prevEdge);

	Commit: function(){

	// this.Query an AABB for overlapping proxies, returns the user data and
	// the count, up to the supplied maximum count.
	QueryAABB: function(aabb, userData, maxCount){
		var lowerValues = new Array();
		var upperValues = new Array();
		this.ComputeBounds(lowerValues, upperValues, aabb);

		var lowerIndex = 0;
		var upperIndex = 0;
		var lowerIndexOut = [lowerIndex];
		var upperIndexOut = [upperIndex];
		this.Query(lowerIndexOut, upperIndexOut, lowerValues[0], upperValues[0], this.m_bounds[0], 2*this.m_proxyCount, 0);
		this.Query(lowerIndexOut, upperIndexOut, lowerValues[1], upperValues[1], this.m_bounds[1], 2*this.m_proxyCount, 1);

		//b2Settings.b2Assert(this.m_queryResultCount < b2Settings.b2_maxProxies);

		var count = 0;
		for (var i = 0; i < this.m_queryResultCount && count < maxCount; ++i, ++count)
			//b2Settings.b2Assert(this.m_queryResults[i] < b2Settings.b2_maxProxies);
			var proxy = this.m_proxyPool[ this.m_queryResults[i] ];
			userData[i] = proxy.userData;

		// Prepare for next query.
		this.m_queryResultCount = 0;

		return count;

	Validate: function(){
		var pair;
		var proxy1;
		var proxy2;
		var overlap;

		for (var axis = 0; axis < 2; ++axis)
			var bounds = this.m_bounds[axis];

			var boundCount = 2 * this.m_proxyCount;
			var stabbingCount = 0;

			for (var i = 0; i < boundCount; ++i)
				var bound = bounds[i];
				//b2Settings.b2Assert(i == 0 || bounds[i-1].value <= bound->value);
				//b2Settings.b2Assert(bound->proxyId != b2_nullProxy);

				if (bound.IsLower() == true)
					//b2Settings.b2Assert(this.m_proxyPool[bound.proxyId].lowerBounds[axis] == i);
					//b2Settings.b2Assert(this.m_proxyPool[bound.proxyId].upperBounds[axis] == i);

				//b2Settings.b2Assert(bound.stabbingCount == stabbingCount);


	ComputeBounds: function(lowerValues, upperValues, aabb)
		//b2Settings.b2Assert(aabb.maxVertex.x > aabb.minVertex.x);
		//b2Settings.b2Assert(aabb.maxVertex.y > aabb.minVertex.y);

		//var minVertex = b2Math.b2ClampV(aabb.minVertex, this.m_worldAABB.minVertex, this.m_worldAABB.maxVertex);
		var minVertexX = aabb.minVertex.x;
		var minVertexY = aabb.minVertex.y;
		minVertexX = b2Math.b2Min(minVertexX, this.m_worldAABB.maxVertex.x);
		minVertexY = b2Math.b2Min(minVertexY, this.m_worldAABB.maxVertex.y);
		minVertexX = b2Math.b2Max(minVertexX, this.m_worldAABB.minVertex.x);
		minVertexY = b2Math.b2Max(minVertexY, this.m_worldAABB.minVertex.y);

		//var maxVertex = b2Math.b2ClampV(aabb.maxVertex, this.m_worldAABB.minVertex, this.m_worldAABB.maxVertex);
		var maxVertexX = aabb.maxVertex.x;
		var maxVertexY = aabb.maxVertex.y;
		maxVertexX = b2Math.b2Min(maxVertexX, this.m_worldAABB.maxVertex.x);
		maxVertexY = b2Math.b2Min(maxVertexY, this.m_worldAABB.maxVertex.y);
		maxVertexX = b2Math.b2Max(maxVertexX, this.m_worldAABB.minVertex.x);
		maxVertexY = b2Math.b2Max(maxVertexY, this.m_worldAABB.minVertex.y);

		// Bump lower bounds downs and upper bounds up. This ensures correct sorting of
		// lower/upper bounds that would have equal values.
		// TODO_ERIN implement fast float to uint16 conversion.
		lowerValues[0] = /*uint*/(this.m_quantizationFactor.x * (minVertexX - this.m_worldAABB.minVertex.x)) & (b2Settings.USHRT_MAX - 1);
		upperValues[0] = (/*uint*/(this.m_quantizationFactor.x * (maxVertexX - this.m_worldAABB.minVertex.x))& 0x0000ffff) | 1;

		lowerValues[1] = /*uint*/(this.m_quantizationFactor.y * (minVertexY - this.m_worldAABB.minVertex.y)) & (b2Settings.USHRT_MAX - 1);
		upperValues[1] = (/*uint*/(this.m_quantizationFactor.y * (maxVertexY - this.m_worldAABB.minVertex.y))& 0x0000ffff) | 1;

	// This one is only used for validation.
	TestOverlapValidate: function(p1, p2){

		for (var axis = 0; axis < 2; ++axis)
			var bounds = this.m_bounds[axis];

			//b2Settings.b2Assert(p1.lowerBounds[axis] < 2 * this.m_proxyCount);
			//b2Settings.b2Assert(p1.upperBounds[axis] < 2 * this.m_proxyCount);
			//b2Settings.b2Assert(p2.lowerBounds[axis] < 2 * this.m_proxyCount);
			//b2Settings.b2Assert(p2.upperBounds[axis] < 2 * this.m_proxyCount);

			if (bounds[p1.lowerBounds[axis]].value > bounds[p2.upperBounds[axis]].value)
				return false;

			if (bounds[p1.upperBounds[axis]].value < bounds[p2.lowerBounds[axis]].value)
				return false;

		return true;

	TestOverlap: function(b, p)
		for (var axis = 0; axis < 2; ++axis)
			var bounds = this.m_bounds[axis];

			//b2Settings.b2Assert(p.lowerBounds[axis] < 2 * this.m_proxyCount);
			//b2Settings.b2Assert(p.upperBounds[axis] < 2 * this.m_proxyCount);

			if (b.lowerValues[axis] > bounds[p.upperBounds[axis]].value)
				return false;

			if (b.upperValues[axis] < bounds[p.lowerBounds[axis]].value)
				return false;

		return true;

	Query: function(lowerQueryOut, upperQueryOut, lowerValue, upperValue, bounds, boundCount, axis){

		var lowerQuery = b2BroadPhase.BinarySearch(bounds, boundCount, lowerValue);
		var upperQuery = b2BroadPhase.BinarySearch(bounds, boundCount, upperValue);

		// Easy case: lowerQuery <= lowerIndex(i) < upperQuery
		// Solution: search query range for min bounds.
		for (var j = lowerQuery; j < upperQuery; ++j)
			if (bounds[j].IsLower())

		// Hard case: lowerIndex(i) < lowerQuery < upperIndex(i)
		// Solution: use the stabbing count to search down the bound array.
		if (lowerQuery > 0)
			var i = lowerQuery - 1;
			var s = bounds[i].stabbingCount;

			// Find the s overlaps.
			while (s)
				//b2Settings.b2Assert(i >= 0);

				if (bounds[i].IsLower())
					var proxy = this.m_proxyPool[ bounds[i].proxyId ];
					if (lowerQuery <= proxy.upperBounds[axis])

		lowerQueryOut[0] = lowerQuery;
		upperQueryOut[0] = upperQuery;

	IncrementOverlapCount: function(proxyId){
		var proxy = this.m_proxyPool[ proxyId ];
		if (proxy.timeStamp < this.m_timeStamp)
			proxy.timeStamp = this.m_timeStamp;
			proxy.overlapCount = 1;
			proxy.overlapCount = 2;
			//b2Settings.b2Assert(this.m_queryResultCount < b2Settings.b2_maxProxies);
			this.m_queryResults[this.m_queryResultCount] = proxyId;
	IncrementTimeStamp: function(){
		if (this.m_timeStamp == b2Settings.USHRT_MAX)
			for (var i = 0; i < b2Settings.b2_maxProxies; ++i)
				this.m_proxyPool[i].timeStamp = 0;
			this.m_timeStamp = 1;

	m_pairManager: new b2PairManager(),

	m_proxyPool: new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPairs),
	m_freeProxy: 0,

	m_bounds: new Array(2*b2Settings.b2_maxProxies),

	m_queryResults: new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxProxies),
	m_queryResultCount: 0,

	m_worldAABB: null,
	m_quantizationFactor: new b2Vec2(),
	m_proxyCount: 0,
	m_timeStamp: 0};
b2BroadPhase.s_validate = false;
b2BroadPhase.b2_invalid = b2Settings.USHRT_MAX;
b2BroadPhase.b2_nullEdge = b2Settings.USHRT_MAX;
b2BroadPhase.BinarySearch = function(bounds, count, value)
		var low = 0;
		var high = count - 1;
		while (low <= high)
			var mid = Math.floor((low + high) / 2);
			if (bounds[mid].value > value)
				high = mid - 1;
			else if (bounds[mid].value < value)
				low = mid + 1;
				return /*uint*/(mid);

		return /*uint*/(low);